Friday, March 24, 2017
FCG Artist Residency: Dream Session #1 6 - 9 PM / Schedule Posted Below

Forest City Gallery is proud to announce we’ve recently received an Ontario Trillium Foundation Seed Grant to explore the feasibility of opening an arts residency/incubator space. Inspired by the potential location of the vacant apartment above the gallery, “FCG Upstairs” is an opportunity for FCG to expand it's programming to support the London artist community through a residency program and studio facilities. This OTF funding will support community meetings to gather information and reveal what our community needs most from an residency/incubator space in London. As there is no “standard” model, we are asking for your feedback and comments to ensure the feasibility and success of this project.
FCG will host three open community meetings in 2017 to discuss the project’s feasibility and infrastructure. The schedule for this first community meeting is posted below, and we encourage you to stop by at any point in the evening. This event will be catered and licensed.
6 - 6:30 PM: Reception / Announcement of OTF Funding / Recognition Event
6:30 PM: Tour of Upstairs of 258 Richmond Street (Potential Site of Residency)
7 - 9 PM: Questions with the Community / Facilitated by Lynne Dubuc
The meeting from 7 - 9 PM will be a participatory event during which we will hear your questions and ask for your input on three main areas of consideration: Artist Selection, Facility, and Programming. These areas will be further examined in hopes of answering the overarching question: how do we best serve the community through this residency/incubator space? For your consideration, specific questions will be released closer to the event, and following the meeting through an online survey.
Dependent on availability and accessibility, the possible location of this residency is undetermined and flexible. One goal of this meeting will be to discuss prospective facilities and the potential of renting the currently unoccupied space above the gallery.
The Seed grant is one step in a three-step process of making an residency/incubator space a reality. If deemed feasible, FCG will apply for additional Ontario Trillium Foundation Funding through the ‘Grow’ Grant in 2018 to make this project happen.
Please join us at this celebratory meeting on March 24th!
Thank you to the Ontario Trillium Foundation for the generous support of this project. An agency of the Government of Ontario, the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) is one of Canada’s largest granting foundations. With a budget of over $136 million, OTF awards grants to some 1,000 projects every year to build healthy and vibrant Ontario communities.