It's that time of year! Forest City Gallery is inviting you to join us for our 2021 Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, September 29th at 6:00pm. The meeting will take place online on Zoom conferencing. Please use the Zoom link below.

What's an Annual General Meeting?
The AGM is an opportunity to meet our current Board of Directors, elect new members to the Board of Directors, to learn about all that we have accomplished during the past year, and to hear about new programming and community initiatives. We welcome you to share in our success and we always welcome your input and ideas as we develop another year of exhibitions, workshops, talks, and events.
Membership & Voting
All are welcome to attend but only FCG members in good standing are eligible to vote at the AGM. If you would like to become a member or your membership has lapsed, please visit the Membership page on the FCG website to renew or become a member before the AGM. Sustaining your membership allows you to be an active participant of London’s only artist-run centre. A strong membership base is essential in allowing us to fulfill our mandate of supporting innovative artistic practices and emerging artists. If you are a member in good standing and unable to attend the AGM, in accordance with our bylaws you may appoint a proxy to vote on your behalf. If you will be voting by proxy we ask that you contact to make arrangements before the date of the meeting.
More details to come but please check back here for more info soon!
Meeting ID: 899 7856 2197
Passcode: 677262