Saturday, July 6, 2013
2:00- 11:00 PM
Sponsored by the wonderful people at Good Foundation Inc.

Forest City Gallery is celebrating it's 40th anniversary in 2013, and we'd be honoured if you would help us celebrate this incredible milestone.
Join us on Saturday, July 6th 2013 for a full day of "Over the Hill" birthday festivities!
2:00-4:00- Panel Discussion with Jamelie Hassan, Brian Lambert, Jewell Goodwyn and Gerard Pas, faciltated by current Director Jenna Faye Powell.
4:00- 8:00- BBQ, Cake Cutting, and Publication Launch Drop by for the launch of our 40th Anniversary publication, that be will for sale by donation. Bring family and friends for a BBQ in our "backyard," and some birthday cake, and other birthday events. For the adults, who would like to celebrate with a beverage, this event will be licensed. Kiddies will leave the party with FCG birthday "grab bags".
8:00- 11:00- Hear Here 40th Anniversary Edition Generously sponsored by OIART and Wellington Brewery. THIS EVENT IS FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.
8:00- Thesis Sahib
9:00- Wild Domestic
10:00- Nihilist Spasm Band
Thank you to our amazing Founding Members. Thank you our funders the London Arts Council, the Ontario Arts Council and the Canada Council for the Arts for your ongoing support. Also, thank you to Digital Echidna, OIART, the City of London, Scotiabank and Wellington Brewery. And, of course thank you or our loyal members and community!