Thursday, September 27, 2012 to Monday, October 29, 2012
September 4 to October 29, 2012
Viz Biz was designed by the London Arts Council to promote both for and not-for-profit galleries and professional artists of London. Every two months, new artwork is exhibited at the London Arts Council and Mayor's office, curated by London’s commercial and non-profit galleries. Forest City Gallery, London's non-profit Artist-Run Centre is participating in Viz Biz . The works of FCG Members have been selected to be featured in the London Arts Council office in London, Ontario.
The London Arts Council Office
1st Floor 251 Dundas Street, London, Ontario
Hours of Operation: Monday - Thursday 10 am - 4 pm
From September 4th - October 29th See the art works of Forest City Gallery Members:
Nicholas J. Breton Jason Brown Jen Hamilton Cliff Kearns Beth McEachen Duncan Ferguson Jamie Q Ruth Strebe Al Sugarman Lorraine Thompson
For more information about VIZ BIZ and arts related events and opportunities in London, Ontario check out the LAC's website, visit them on facebook or follow them on twitter @LdnArtsCouncil.
** Photograph by Jason Brown.