We invite you to submit your artwork for the upcoming FCG Pier exhibition “Phantazein : Phantasm” curated by current gallery intern, Genevieve Buchanan. Submit up to two works (2-dimensional or 3-dimensional) that relate to the theme.
Phantazein: “to present to the mind” or “to make visible”
Phantasm: a product of fantasy (i.e. a ghost), a mental representation of a real object
Phantazein : Phantasm aims to explore the mind of the artist as they breathe life into the thoughts that haunt them. Transforming the mental to the physical, this exhibition celebrates the power and processes involved in creating art from idea.
If you’re interested in submitting, please email your artist statement, photos of your artwork, and a short description of your work to info@forestcitygallery.com by Saturday, October 12th at midnight.
FCG Pier aligns with CARFAC’s exhibition fee schedule for a smaller (foyer) space.
As space is limited, the exhibition will feature the work of up to five artists.
FCG Pier is a community-focused display space named for the idea of a pier as both an arrival place and an exciting point of departure. When we think of a pier, we also might think of the word “peer” (meaning to look at something) or “peers,” as in our friends and colleagues. Finally, a pier is also an architectural term for a support structure. FCG wouldn’t exist without the hard work, heavy lifting, and support of our community.