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Call for Submissions -LAC Viz Biz

Sunday, June 24, 2012 to Monday, June 25, 2012

Deadline Extended!: June 25, 11:00am

Call for Submissions to the Members of FCG LAC Viz Biz – Promotional Opportunity

Members of the Forest City Gallery are invited to submit 1-2 pieces of artwork to be displayed at the offices of the London Arts Council (LAC) as well as the Mayor’s office. All submitted artwork must be 2D and ready to hang (unframed works are acceptable, as long as they have picture wire, or drawings/photos/prints must include hanging clips). This is an unpaid promotional opportunity offered by the LAC and the City of London. If the artist opts to include a sale price they must include contact information. FCG will not facilitate sale, all sales of artwork must be handled directly with the artist and all artwork must remain at the LAC/Mayor’s office until the end of the display period. The artist will retain 100% of any sales made.

Due to limited space, we may not be able to include all works submitted. Forest City Gallery reserves the right to refuse any submission. The works will be selected by Forest City Gallery. As this is an unpaid opportunity, FCG board members are eligible to apply, but will abstain from the selection process. Selected artist will be contacted via e-mail by June 28th, to coordinate a drop off date for artwork the following week. We thank all applicants, however only selected artists will be contacted. About the LAC Viz Biz Program The London Arts Council (LAC) Viz Biz program is an opportunity for us to collaborate with local commercial and non-profit galleries working to promote London artists. Launched in 2008, Viz Biz offers exhibit space in our highly visible downtown location on a two month rotating basis. In 2011 we introduced an additional two month rotation at the Mayor’s office in City Hall, which has resulted in fantastic feedback from the public. All sales revenue remains with the gallery and/or artists. LAC advertises Viz Biz on our feature page of, which is linked on the City of London and Tourism London websites, and announces each new exhibit on Facebook and Twitter and in the LAC e.blast. Please note, all artwork content must be considered “family friendly”. DATES LAC offices Round 1: July 1st – August 31st 2012 LAC offices Round 2: September 1st – October 31st 2012 Mayor’s office: September 1st – October 31st 2012 If selected you may be included in one (1) or multiple of these timeslots/locations. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES To submit a work, please send an e-mail to with the subject line: “VIZBIZ” before Monday, June 25th, 11am. Include the following:

  1. 1-2 attachments of images of the work you are submitting Digital images should be in jpeg format no larger than 1024 x 768 pixels at 72 dpi. File names must be in the following format: 01initialsyeartitle.jpg (image number, applicant’s initials, year of the work, title of the work).

  2. Copy & paste the form below into the body of the email and complete all the mandatory fields. Fields with * are mandatory. Sale and contact information is optional.

*Full Name: (collectives can apply, but please list collective name and one key contact) *Age: *E-mail: *Phone Number: *Are you a current FCG member? [   ] yes   [    ]no * if no, please go to to become a member. Only FCG members in good standing are eligible for this opportunity *Mini Artist Bio/Statement (150 words max): Artwork#1 *Title: *Medium: *Dimensions: *Year: Special instructions for hanging?: *Name of attached file: (example: mypainting1.jpg) Price: Contact information (email or website): Artwork#2 *Title: *Medium: *Dimensions: *Year: Special instructions for hanging?: *Name of attached file: (example: mypainting1.jpg) Price: Contact information (email or website):

Thank You to our Funders 
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Forest City Gallery (est. 1973) is an artist-run centre located in London, ON.

FCG's programs and exhibitions are free and accessible to all thanks to the generous support of the Canada Council for the Arts, Ontario Arts Council, London Arts Council, and the London Community Foundation.

We are grateful to our artists, members, volunteers, donors, and community partners. Our operations rely on your generous and dedicated support.

Forest City Gallery
Follow Us:

Wednesday: 12 -5

Thursday: 12-7

Friday: 12-5

Saturday: 12-5

1025 Elias Street

London, ON N5W 3P6 (prev. N5W 5L1)


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