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Call for Submissions / Thematic

Saturday, March 14, 2015 to Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Deadline: April 14th at 5:00 PM


Forest City Gallery invites Ontario-based artists to submit proposals for inclusion in our Biennial Emerging Artists Exhibition taking place September 4, 2015 until October 9, 2015. An opening reception for this Exhibition will be hosted on Saturday, September 12 from 7 – 10 PM.

Applications should address the thematic of exhaustion 1/ the action of using all of something 2 / the state of being extremely tired.

In his essay On Exhaustion and Exuberance, Jan Verwoert relates the problematic of exhaustion to the pressure to perform. In performing, cultural workers must remain flexible and mobile, this itinerant lifestyle also results in a collapse of the separation between work and leisure spheres. If this points to overarching political and economic causes of exhaustion, what might be the results?

Proposals may consider exhaustion as either a physical process bound up in performances of: repetition, interminableness, depletion etc. or as a psychological mindset, which might symptomatically present itself through a lens of: detachment, ineffectiveness, insomnia, apathy, etc.

We are interested in proposals that address this topic in a creative and thoughtful manner. All mediums welcomed.

FCG defines emerging artists as: artists who have 1-5 years professional practice with a small to moderate exhibition record outside of schooling. If you think you may fall into this category but are unsure, contact to confirm. Current students can apply to this Call for Submission if they will be graduated by September 2015. PhD students are ELIGIBLE to apply during their studies while enrolled.

Proposals should be sent via email to, subject line, “EMERGING ARTIST SUBMISSION” by April 14th 2015, no later then 5:00 PM. Successful applicants will be contacted in May 2015. This exhibition pays full CARFAC fees.

Submissions should include:

1. A maximum of ten digital images representing the proposed project. Digital images should be in jpeg format no larger than 1024 x 768 pixels at 72 dpi. File names must be in the following format: 01initialsyeartitle.jpg (image number, applicant’s initials, year of the work, title of the work). Time based submissions should be abbreviated to no longer than 5 minutes. 2. A proposal that includes an artist statement and project description of the proposed work; please include number of works, space requirements, as well as any unusual installation needs (500 word count maximum /word or pdf format) 3. An abbreviated statement of intent (50 word count maximum / word or pdf format). 4. A curriculum vitae or resume including contact information (3 page word count maximum / word or pdf format). Forest City Gallery 258 Richmond Street London, Ontario


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