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Call for Nominations

Saturday, June 30, 2012 to Saturday, September 1, 2012

Forest City Gallery is looking for visual artists/curators/writers from the community to join our Board of Directors and/or join our Committees. Artist-Run Centres are volunteer driven Galleries. Volunteering on a Board of Directors and/or joining a Committee is a great opportunity for professional development and an excellent way to contribute to your local arts community.

Forest City Gallery invites members to participate in the nominations for the Board of Directors. We are looking for members of the London Visual Arts community to serve a two-year term from September 2012 to September 2014. Nominees must be members of the Forest City Gallery and members are welcome to nominate themselves. Have your nomination forms in no later than September 1st, 2012 5pm. The Nominating Committee will present the slate of nominees at the Annual General Meeting in September 2012, at the Forest City Gallery. For more information please contact Rene Vandenbrink at

Download a Nomination Form (pdf)

Forest City Gallery will be operating with reduced hours for the month of August. The following are a variety of ways you can get your nomination form to FCG:

1. electronically via email to 2. by mail to the Forest City Gallery at 258 Richmond Street London, Ontario N6B 2H7 3. deliver it in person during one of FCG's monthly events (Wednesday, August 8th 7-9 pm or Wednesday, August 15th 7-9 pm)  4. Contact us via email to ensure someone is at the Gallery when you come by to deliver the form

Thank You to our Funders 
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Forest City Gallery (est. 1973) is an artist-run centre located in London, ON.

FCG's programs and exhibitions are free and accessible to all thanks to the generous support of the Canada Council for the Arts, Ontario Arts Council, London Arts Council, and the London Community Foundation.

We are grateful to our artists, members, volunteers, donors, and community partners. Our operations rely on your generous and dedicated support.

Forest City Gallery
Follow Us:

Wednesday: 12 -5

Thursday: 12-7

Friday: 12-5

Saturday: 12-5

1025 Elias Street

London, ON N5W 3P6 (prev. N5W 5L1)


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