Wednesday, May 16, 2012
NEW TIME - 6:00 pm
At this month’s artist gathering: Building an artist portfolio site using “Google Sites” *** PLEASE NOTE CHANGE of TIME to 6PM*** In the past few years, numerous free website and blog services such as WordPress, Tumbler, Weebley, and Google Sites to name just a few have become available, making it easier than ever for Artists to set up and administer an online portfolio. This one hour mini-workshop will teach you how to put together a simple artist portfolio website using the Google Sites platform. Google Sites is a free service that allows you to build and host a website without any HTML knowledge. Its simple no-frills design options offer an excellent option for a clean, professional looking online portfolio. This workshop, led by FCG Director Julia Beltrano will cover:
how to set up an account
how to upload images
how to embed videos
how to create new pages
how to customize layout, colours and menus
how to obtain a domain name
do’s and don’ts for artist websites