Friday, June 22, 2018

Day 1: June 22, 7-9pm
Day 2: July 7, 7-10pm
Day 3: July 18, 7-9pm
Day 4: July 21, 7-9pm
Day 5: July 28, 7-10pm
Forest City Gallery is pleased to present in attendance, a series of events over the next 6 weeks.
Inspired by recurring themes and ideas of performance and/or “the performative”, in attendance brings together 10 performances and over 20 artists that deal with an eclectic array of performative themes, issues, and practices.
There will be 5 nights’ worth of performances spread out over the duration of the series. FCG has partnered with LOMAA - London Ontario Media Arts Association and their Broad Topics series to present a number of included artists. Upcoming times will be announced closer to event dates.